Tuesday 6 September 2011


Assisting the fusion of architectural creativity with nature's legacy of stone
Granites in india is an igneous stone (produced from intense heat). It started as liquid magma from the depths of the earth. Under extreme pressures and slow cooling process granites in india is one of the hardest and most dense types of stone. It is made up of many components with the most common being quartz, mica and feldspar. The amount of these components can greatly very for each type of granite. Usually feldspar is the major mineral of granite in india. Secondly is quartz. Quartz is the hardest material in the composition of the stone. Remaining minerals also adding colors and uniqueness to granite are mica and coal.

Granite Quarry
Granite quarry is a pit or some open excavation from which granite is obtained. To obtain granite from a quarry either digging, cutting or blasting process is used. This process of obtaining the stone is called quarrying. Once quarrying is done, the processing of granite starts. The four operations that are involved in the processing of granite are:
  • Dressing
  • Cutting/ sawing
  • Surface grinding and polishing and
  • Edge-cutting-trimming.
Once the processing is over, the granite is ready for further use.
Quarrying of granite in India is conducted in Rajasthan, Bangalore, Chickmaglur, Hassan, Kolar, Mysore, Mandhya Tumkur, Bellary Raichur districts and at many other locations.
There are very few quarries that have have mining machinery, such as compressors and drilling machines for drilling and blasting, cranes for lifting big blocks, and dampers and trucks for transport. Hence the mining and processing of the granite is done manually. Even the drilling and channeling are done by hand chisels and hammers.
Granite Care
Granite stone that has been purchased is no less than an investment that serves by imparting its beauty for years. Stone is a natural product and simple care and maintenance is required to keep it looking beautiful.
  • Granite Cleaning
  • Granite Cutting

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