
Monday, 1 October 2012

makrana marble

Details About Makrana Marbles Product with photo and their Prices

Details about makrana marbles product:-There are mainly six types (quality)

 of makrana marbles

1.Makrana White Marble
2.Makrana Albeta Marble
3.Makrana Doongri Marble
4.Makrana Brown Marble
5.Makrana Pink Marble
6.Makrana Kumari Marble

1.Makrana White Marble :-Makrana white marble also known as makrana sangmarmar.

There are three grade in makrana marble 

I.First Grade White Marble

II.Second Grade White Marble

III.Third Grade White Marle

First garde white of makrana marble is very white color marble.And the cost of
 first grade makrana white marble is 700-2000 per square feet.
Second grade white marble is less white than first grade white marble
.And the price range of second grade makrana white marble is 400-700 per square feet.
Third Grade White marble is less white than second
grade white marble.And the price range of second grade makrana white marble
 is 150-400 per square feet.

Makrana White Marbles Tiles :-There are many size in makrana marble tiles.

 Here i defined the size of makrana white marble tiles.

Tiles means the length and width of marble is greater than one feet square.

In makrana white marble there are nine different sizes such as

 24*21 , 24*18 , 24*15 , 24*12 , 18*18 , 15*15 , 12*12 , 18*12 , 18*15 , 21*15 , 21*18 , 15*12 inches .

Makrana White Marble Tiles Price /Cost :- 
The price range of  makrana white marble tiles is 100-150 per square feet.

Makrana White Marble Variety :-The variety of makrana white marble.

Variety means length and width of marble is less than one square feet.

There are many sizes in varieties of makrana white marble is

 11*11 , 12*9 ,18*8 , 12*6 , 12*5 , 12*4 , 9*9 , 8*8 , 9*6 , 6*6 ,

 8*4 , 18*9 , 15*9 , 18*6 , 15*6 , 18*4 , 15*4  inches.

2.Makrana Albeta Marble :-

In Makrana Albeta Marbles background color is white and fore color with small dark black lining .
It is second top quality in makrana marble. There are two types of makrana albeta marble

I.Makrana White Albeta :- 

Makrana White Albeta Marble and fore color with small dark black lining 

.It is second top quality in makrana marble.

Makrana White Albeta Marble Cost:-Makrana white albeta marble price/cost is 150-500.

II.Makrana Brown Albeta :-

In makrana brown Albeta  marble the background color is brown based and fore color with small dark black lining .

It is second top quality in makrana marble.

Makrana Brown Albeta Cost :-Makrana white albeta marble price/cost is 120-300.

Makrana Albeta Marble Tiles :-There are many size in makrana white albeta marble tiles.

 Here i defined the size of makrana albeta marble tiles .

Tiles means the length and width of marble is greater than one feet square .

In makrana white albeta marble there are nine different sizes such as 

24*21 , 24*18 , 24*15 , 24*12 , 18*18 , 15*15 , 12*12 , 18*12 , 18*15 , 21*15 , 21*18 , 15*12 inches 

Makrana Albeta Marble Variety :-The variety of makrana white marble .

Variety means length and width of marble is less than one square feet .

There are many sizes in varieties of makrana white marble is

 11*11 , 12*9 ,18*8 , 12*6 , 12*5 , 12*4 , 9*9 , 8*8 , 9*6 , 6*6 ,

 8*4 , 18*9 , 15*9 , 18*6 , 15*6 , 18*4 , 15*4  inches


More Details :-
Any More Details For MAKRANA MARBLE
Please Mail Us
Email :
Mobile No :- 09602488700,09887334898

3.Makrana Dungri Marble/Makrana  Doongri Marble /Makrana Adanga Marble :-

 This variety has good whiteness not as compared to albeto or white and slabs of this variety also

 form designer patterns which look very attractive when floor area is big and visible.

I.Makrana Dungri Marble :-Makrana Dungari Marble is very famous product of makrana city.

In Makrana dungari marble the background is white base with black lining.

In Makrana Chuk Dungari Marble There are some more white glow with black lining.
Makrana Adanga Marble Price/cost :-
The approximate cost of Makrana chuck dungari marble is 150-300 rupees per square feet.
Please Mail Us
Email :
Mobile No :- 09602488700,09887334898
4.Makrana Brown Marble :-
Makrana Brown Marble  tiles. 
More Details 
Please Mail Us
Email :
Mobile No :- 09602488700,09887334898
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 dungri marble manufacturer india , dungri marble mine ,
 dungri marble price , India White Marble,India White Marble stone ,
 India White Marble Tiles , makrana marble , albeta marble , makrana marble cost ,
. makrana marble flooring , makrana marble flooring designs ,makrana marble india ,
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 Makrana Marble Tiles , Makrana White Marble tiles, Marble , Marble and tile ,Marble in india ,
 Marble Slab 


  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. Click here for - Albeta marble

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog. Click here for - Albeta marble

  3. Makrana marble - The best quality makrana white marble from Mumtaz Gallery, We are leading Manufacturer of Makrana White Marble price, Makrana marble, tables.
